Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Doubleheader sweep!

The Bucs keep winning, and keep hitting. Freddy Sanchez uses a grand slam in the first game to help secure a win, while Adam LaRoche knocks home the game-winner in the nightcap to complete a doubleheader sweep of the Reds.

I've badmouthed him plenty of times before, but I'm willing to learn from mistakes. Is it possible that I simply didn't give Paul Maholm enough time to adjust to the majors? Now don't get me wrong, I know Maholm is no ace. He's not going to be our No. 1 or No. 2 starter. At best he could fill in at the third spot, but I'm really not starting to mind the thought of him at the back end of a rotation. He's been in some tough situations thus far in his young career and it's quite possible that things will only look up for him. He is still very young.

The only bad thing about the day is (and I can't believe I'm going to type this) that the Cubs beat the Brewers, so we weren't able to gain an extra game in the standings. Since the Bucs are only 8.5 games out of a division lead somehow, it got me thinking. I wonder if any team has battled for the next year's No. 1 draft pick and a division championship in the same season?

Think about it...

One bad week and the Bucs could be very close to the worst record in the majors.

However, one good week and they are 3-4 games out of first place.

No matter what, this recent surge certainly has made the final month or so of baseball in Pittsburgh interesting. I know I'm excited.


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