In one of his last articles as the Pirates beat writer for, Ed Eagle previews the Pirates starting rotation with this piece.

Ed is moving on to Toronto and we here wish him luck and thank him for the coverage he has provided over the last few years. Imagine having to cover the Pirates, if you weren't a fan of them at all, and every year knowing you would be home in October. I don't know for sure if Ed wasn't a Pirate fan or not, but the guy covered the team during a rough stretch and we feel for him. Good Luck Ed.
Who wears #86 for the Pittsburgh Pirates?
I was at Tuesday's St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh game and after the game a kid sitting in the front row next to me was trying so hard to get anyone's autograph. I managed to get the attention of #86 as he was leaving the bullpen and he signed an autograph for this little boy. I took his picture but I didn't get a look at the name on the guys jersey. He isn't on the Active or 40 man roster. Please help me! You can email me at
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